Sweater Weather

Sweater Weather

I love the slower pace of fall, the return of my predictable schedule and everyday routine. It feels less hectic than summer and definitely less hot, which I am grateful for.  

Sweater Weather means cooler air, waning daylight, an extra hour of sleep, comfort meals, hot beverages and nature inspired walks.

Inspiration blows in like the cold crisp breeze and just like that I am filling my sketchbook, pressing leaves into old books and quoting Virginia Woolf, “And all the lives we ever lived and all the lives to be are full of trees and changing leaves…”

We spend time at the family camp in Northern Ontario in the fall. I would argue that Northern Ontario does fall best and hiking on the trails is a spectacular way to witness the ephemeral spectacle of the autumn colours and truly one of my favourite things.  Nothing is perfect though and fall can bring some pretty dramatic weather. Wind and rain and dark dreary skies that force even this eager nature adventurer indoors. Ever the autumn lover though I can vouch that indoors in the fall has its share of comforts and pleasures. Warm fires in the hearth, simmering casseroles on the stovetop, comfy blankets and hot tea. 

One cannot help but slow down and admire this magical season of mists and fruitfulness filled with intensity of colour and one cannot be witness to such splendour without it inspiring feelings of stewardship for this fiercely resilient natural world.

Enjoy it, protect it.


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